We’re are excited to be exhibiting at the Green Economy Conference and Exhibition which is being held at Swansea Arena on the 22nd of November. We will be on stand number 28 so please feel free to pop over and say hello. To find out more head over to the 4theRegion website:

Cyber Security Essentials Plus Certification
As part of due diligence by one of our key clients we were required to prove our IT credentials. We recently attained Cyber Security Essentials Plus certification. We also completed the clients in house security questionnaire, improving areas where required. Key goals are protecting sensitive information with granular access control and data integrity policies: VPNs, […]
Google Search Rank
Since the environment for onshore projects became less favourable, direct competitor companies that specialised in met mast installations have gone out of business. Other companies that provide a range of engineering and technical services have mothballed their met mast installation crews. But we’re still here, with a flexible crew who can take time out during quieter periods […]
Stand Alone Power Supply in Khazakstan.
Solarwheel design, build and install a stand alone power supply in Khazakstan. In this picture the air was -33C. The system relays data 3 kms using a long range WiMax wifi link. The design brief was very exacting due to the extreme ambient temperature range. In Summer +30C, and winter down to -40C. The objective : Provide a year […]
Off Grid power
Off Grid power supply for under £4,000 Recent falls in the price of solar panels and other components has significantly reduced the cost of low impact off-grid living. This system includes 2 Kw of PV panels, a bank of batteries, a 3 Kw inverter, and MPPT solar charge controller. The capacity will be limited in […]
Brechfa Weather Station
We’ve been running a weather station at Fforest in Brechfa for sometime using a Campbell Scientific CR1000 data logger, and Real Time monitoring software. We decided to make the live and historic data publicly available for anyone who might find it useful or interesting. Rainfall is measured using a tipping bucket rain gauge. The figure […]
Custom Vehicles Expedite Met Mast Installations
Check out our fleet of vehicles in action installing an 80 Metre Nexgen H1 Met Mast. Featuring our custom 4×4 Mercedes truck with crew cab and trailer capable of carrying the complete mast kit, tooling and crew to site.
RSPB Wind Energy Project
A few summers ago we installed a 70 Metre Nexgen HiMast for the RSPB in Sandy, Bedfordshire to monitor the available wind resource. The successful data acquisition campaign proved that the site was viable and the local council awarded planning consent to the RSPB to install a 100m Meter Wind Turbine. It’s expected to produce half of all RSPB UK […]
New HD Gin pole for masts up to 90m
Following numerous requests for us to handle heavier ‘bolt together’ masts, as supplied by Chillwind and others, we have invested in our own Heavy duty Gin-pole to enable us to raise and lower them safely. Our Gin-pole is comprised of 3m sections, and can extend to 18m in length for masts up to 90m in […]
Most Prolific Met Mast Installer (Probably!)
We’re pleased to announce that over the last 4 years we have installed 200 Met Masts.T hanks to the crew for all their hard work, helping to realise future UK wind Projects. We believe these numbers make us the most prolific Met Mast Installer in the UK. Mast Size Installed 90 1 80 28 70 59 […]