Plans to develop a four-turbine wind farm near Milford Haven are a step closer with the installation of a temporary mast next week which will measure wind speeds at the proposed site. The 50m anemometer (“met”) mast will be constructed at Wear Point on an industrial site adjacent to the Semlogistics tank storage facility, where renewable energy company Infinergy is due to apply shortly for planning permission to develop four wind turbines. Lorraine Dallmeier, Infinergy’s senior project manager, said the mast would be used to gather wind speed and direction data and would be erected for 18 to 24 months. “I’m very pleased to announce the instalment of the met mast at Wear Point — its construction is a key milestone for the project,” she said. “Wind turbine schemes such as Wear Point are important in tackling climate change and helping to achieve local, regional and national targets for renewable energy production and the reduction of CO2. “We believe that with the support of local people, we can provide a fantastic opportunity for the community of Milford Haven to contribute significantly towards renewable energy generation.” Carmarthen-based Solar Wheel has been contracted to install the device and once erected, the wind data will be analysed by Garrad Hassan, a world leader in their field. For further information visit www.wearpointwindfarm.co.uk
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